Office: (251) 470-0350 | Fax:(251) 470-0440
Our Objective

The objective of a private school is to teach children how to live and to equip them for success. The Bible admonishes us to train up a child in the way he should go (Proverbs 22:6). Bible study is recognized as being fundamentally important and is a required subject. It augments the study of English, History, Geography and Science. Without a knowledge of Biblical truth, a student cannot be considered educated. The Bible gives directions for this life and is the only hope for the life to come. No other book can enrich the minds and hearts of children.
A private school is an extension of the home in training young people. The school staff works closely with parents to train the whole child. Attendance at this school is a privilege and not a right. The goal of this school is to train youth of every ability in the highest principles of moral character, self-discipline, individual responsibility, personal integrity, and good citizenship. This school stands without apology for its high standards of morality and wisdom.
Biblical Principles
One of the basic reasons why parents enroll their children in a private school if to obtain an education grounded in moral values. This school uses the Biblically-based School of Tomorrow curriculum, which includes Scripture memory passages and references to God and Jesus Christ-all designed to help students develop moral character, a sense of accountability, and wisdom in their lives. Standards of personal conduct, school policies and curriculum continues to build the students' sense of responsibility and integrity.